Dojo Outreach: Foodland Zazen, by Cody Yasaka
Chozen-ji continues to offer shugyo in many forms. This year, we also began working with new communities across Hawaii, providing entry points to Chozen-ji training they might not otherwise encounter. Read on for accounts from those who organized this outreach.
Friday morning zazen crew at Foodland headquarters.
By Cody Yasaka
Every Friday morning at 7:30, my co-workers and I gather in our 6th floor conference room located in Kaimuki. But this is not your typical boardroom meeting.
After we begin, nothing is said. No projects to discuss and certainly no deadlines to talk about. We just sit.
This is when our weekend begins! These 20 minutes set the tone for the day and then onward into the weekend.
Our weekly routine started after Michael and Cristina shared their insights on meditation for our company's Blue Zones Project initiative. Soon after, enough interest was expressed for us to get started with a weekly sitting group.
One of my co-workers I sit with was asked recently, “Why are you noticeably in such a good mood on Fridays?”
I think we may be on to something.